Ever felt like giving up? Like being you just wasn't good enough? Beating yourself up every chance you get, feeling like you've ruined the moment. Never wanting to be seen or feel pretty, tripping over words to express what you really mean.
I've been there & back (and there & back), and the answer has been the same on every round-trip: there isn't an answer because this isn't a test! No excuses made, this is life! Humans were made to be individually complex. What works for one person wasn't designed to work for the next (literally everybodyyy is different - hello fingerprints). Yes, we all share similarities which give way to community and companionship. Yes, we all require constant work and growth no matter the age (for which you can rely on your community and companionship. Like Nipsey Hussle said, "this is a marathon not a sprint"). The work really is constant and will never end, so honestly there are no real answers. All you can do is TRY. Don't know where to start? It's simple, just SHOW UP & BE YOU. No pretenses, no expectations; literally just show up, be yourself and allow what will be to be. Ignore the haters, especially the internal ones. In fact, prove them wrong and show 'em your best YOU!
Oh and laugh at yourself! Seriously, even if you start to cry and don't know why - laugh a bunch and your energy will thank you!
Photo by Jeff Brown